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All articles by %{name} Dr. iur. Markus Kaufmann

krfacts April Edition 2024

Questions and answers on the topic of "Staff leasing"

Employers often mistakenly think only of their "own" recruitment agency, when in fact they themselves are recruiters. In the case of staff leasing what needs to be considered?

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KMU Magazin No. 1/2, January/February 2024

Family law terminology and its use

Legal jargon is often not used in the correct context or with the wrong meaning, which in turn leads to misunderstandings. This article sheds light on the most common family law terms and their actual meaning and clears up misconceptions.

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Arbeiten Arbeitsrecht Handshake

KMU Magazin No. 7/8, July/August 2023

Variable Pay - Incentive and Obligation

What are the pitfalls and traps the employer has to be aware of regarding variable wages? In the following, a short round trip will refer to the bonus and the most frequently asked questions about it.

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KMU Magazin No. 3, March 2023

Three Divorce Myths put to the Test

Many myths and prejudices surround the institution of divorce. This article dispels three common separation and divorce myths.

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KMU Magazin No. 1/2, January/February 2023

Revised Stock Corporation Law Changes 2023

Which relevant innovations does the revised stock corporation law hold for companies? We present the most important modernizations and changes.

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KMU-Magazin No. 10, October 2022

Entrepreneur and Divorce

The consequences of a divorce can have a serious impact on the assets of the spouses. You can find information on possible approaches here.

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krfacts March Edition 2022

New Stock Corporation Law - More Flexibility for Companies

The revised provisions of the Stock Corporation Act, which are to come into force on January 01, 2023, bring, among other things, more flexible capital regulations, modernize the General Meeting of Shareholders and strengthen shareholder rights. Below you will find a selection of practice-relevant innovations and information requiring review and action by companies.

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KMU Scheidung Vorsorgegelder

KMU Magazin No. 10, October 2021

Treatment of pension assets under divorce law

Divorce is not only a major life event, but can also lead to complex legal issues. For example, what happens to the assets saved during the marriage and what effect does the divorce have on retirement provisions? This article provides information on the possible consequences and stumbling blocks.

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KMU-Magazin No. 09, September 2021

Extended testamentary freedom for testator

At the end of 2020, the Parliament adopted the revised law of succession. The aim of the revision was to do more justice to today's diverse forms of life. The article deals with these newly won freedoms and shows whether there is a need for action for testators who have already disposed of their estate by means of a will or a contract of succession.

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Familie Erbe

krfacts October Edition 2021

Supplementary benefits and kinship benefits

In addition to AHV, IV and helplessness allowances, the social foundation of our state also includes supplementary benefits (EL for short). If the pension income and assets are not sufficient to cover the minimum living costs, it is necessary to check whether there is a claim for supplementary benefits.

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