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krfacts April Edition 2021

New family law decisions of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court

In recent months, the Swiss Federal Supreme Court has issued several landmark rulings that will be of importance for family law matters in the future. We have summarized the most important points from these and also from earlier rulings for you in this issue of krfacts and illustrated them with an example.

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krfacts November Edition 2020

Revision of the Commercial Register Law: New Regulations from January 1, 2021

With effect on January 1, 2021, the Swiss Commercial Register Law will be revised and modernized. The revision will bring administrative relief for companies and streamline the regulations. The aim is also to improve the quality and timeliness of the personal data held in the Commercial Register. The new regulations will lead to changes in the Commercial Register Law in the Swiss Code of Obligations (OR), in the Commercial Register Ordinance (HRegV) and to a new Ordinance on Fees for the Commercial Register (GebV-HReg).

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krfacts September Edition 2020

Debt collection in Switzerland - collection and enforcement of Claims

A creditor in Switzerland or abroad has a claim against a debtor in Switzerland which is undisputed or established by a court decision. What can be done to ensure that the creditor gets his money?

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Special Edition July 07, 2020

COVID-19: Further relaxation and new measures since 01 July 2020

Since 11 May 2020, the measures in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic have been gradually relaxed. Since the last edition of krfacts -as of 17 June 2020 -the Federal Council has worked out further easing measures. However, on 1 July 2020, further measures to contain the coronavirus were added. These -as of 07 July 2020 -are briefly described below.

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krfacts Special Edition June 17, 2020

COVID-19: Easing Lockdown Measures and the legal implications

Since 11 May 2020, measures have been gradually eased in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the way back to normality has been paved. In addition, politicians have taken up various issues relating to the COVID-19 pandemic and developed appropriate solutions. These circumstances have legal implications for various issues. In this krfacts special issue, individual topics are addressed and the effects of the relaxation and changes -as of 17 June 2020 -are briefly described.

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krfacts beige

Special Edition May 11, 2020

COVID-19: Assembly of companies

In connection with the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the associated circumstances, new legal questions arise, the answering of which currently presents the experts with difficult tasks. In view of the highly complex situation, we try to provide information onthe legal topics as simply as possible. This special issue of krfacts provides information about the current regulations on assembly of companies (Chapter I.) and condominium owners’ assembly (Chapter II.).

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Special Edition April 21, 2020

COVID 19: insolvency law

In connection with the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the associated circumstances, new legal questions arise, the answering of which currently presents the experts with difficult tasks. In view of the highly complex situation, we try to provide information on the legal topics as simply as possible. This special issue of krfacts presents the COVID-19 Ordinance on Insolvency Law issued by the Federal Council.

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Special Edition April 21, 2020–Update of April 09, 2020

COVID-19: contract law and Federal Emergency ordinances

Special Edition on contract law and bridging loans: The coronavirus (COVID-19) and the associated conditions give rise to new legal questions, the answers to which pose a difficult challenge for experts. In view of the highly complex situation, our goal is to provide information on the legal issues as simply as possible. In this special edition of krfacts, contract law (I.) and the bridging loans granted by Federal Council Ordinance (II.) are presented.

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Special Edition April 09, 2020

COVID-19: Abuse of Coronavirus loans and criminal consequences

On 26 March 2020, as a result of the Coronavirus the Ordinance on the Grant of Loans and Joint and Several Loan Guarantees (COVID-19 Ordinance on Joint and Several Loan Guarantees) entered into force. According to this Ordinance, businesses are to be provided with sufficient liquidity through bridging loans in order to be able to cover their fixed costs, despite the revenue losses caused by the Coronavirus. Alongside the measures relating to reduced working hours and COVID loss of earnings compensation in order to cover salary costs, which have already approved by the Federal Council, these additional measures offer a comprehensive package of measures to avert the economic consequences of the Coronavirus pandemic.

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krfacts Edition November 2019

Important changes in the law from 1 January / 1 July 2020

Various changes to federal legislation will enter into force on 1 January / 1 July 2020. Below is a selection of the most important changes which we have summarised for you.

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