This year, we are donating to Agredis, an officially recognized specialist and counseling center in central Switzerland focused on violence prevention. Its services are aimed at young people, men and women who struggle with violence.
Community Engagement

Donation for Agredis
The Lucerne Summit 2024 welcomed U.S. Ambassador Scott C. Miller and over 30 business leaders at the Villa Schweizerhof. It is hosted by Susanna Auf der Maur-Quinn, US Desk Director and Partner at Kaufmann Rüedi Attorneys at Law Ltd. and sponsored by Ivan Buck of Lucerne Business, Adrian Derungs of Industrie- und Handelskammer Zentralschweiz IHZ and Kaufmann Rüedi Attorneys at Law Ltd. The Lucerne Summit provides a discussion platform for international companies in central Switzerland, as well as Swiss companies with a presence in the US.
The Lucerne Summit offers a discussion platform for international companies in Central Switzerland as well as for Swiss companies with a presence in the USA.
Photos by Christoph Arnet

Sponsoring of the “Stadtorchester Luzern” (City Orchestra of Lucerne)
The Lucerne Summit 2023 welcomed U.S. Ambassador Scott C. Miller and over 25 business leaders at the Villa Schweizerhof. It is hosted by Susanna Auf der Maur-Quinn, US Desk Director and Partner at Kaufmann Rüedi Attorneys at Law Ltd. and sponsored by Ivan Buck of Lucerne Business, Adrian Derungs of Industrie- und Handelskammer Zentralschweiz IHZ and Kaufmann Rüedi Attorneys at Law Ltd. The Lucerne Summit provides a discussion platform for international companies in central Switzerland, as well as Swiss companies with a presence in the US.
The Lucerne Summit offers a discussion platform for international companies in Central Switzerland as well as for Swiss companies with a presence in the USA.
Photos by Christoph Arnet
Lucerne welcomed the highest U.S. representation in Switzerland for the LUCERNE SUMMIT. U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein, Scott C. Miller, was welcomed by host Susanna Auf der Maur-Quinn, US Desk Director and Partner of Kaufmann Rüedi Attorneys at Law Ltd, Adrian Derungs of Industrie- und Handelskammer Zentralschweiz IHZ, Ivan Buck of Lucerne Business and over 25 CEOs and prominent guests. The Lucerne Summit provides a discussion platform for American companies here in Switzerland, as well as Swiss companies with a presence in the US. Ambassador Miller emphasized the importance of robust economic ties between the two great countries, his readiness for dialogue with companies and his commitment to diversity in the workplace. The Lucerne Summit is sponsored by the Central Switzerland Chamber of Commerce IHZ, Lucerne Business and Kaufmann Rüedi Attorneys at Law.
Photos by Christoph Arnet
4th of July celebrations
Susanna Auf der Maur (US Desk) and Raffael Steger were honored to celebrate US Independence Day with US Ambassador Scott Miller, his spouse Tim Gill, Deputy Chief of Mission Dana M. Brown and other guests at the Ambassador’s Villa in Bern.

International Bundesbrief Society awards coveted Memento to US Embassy, Deputy Chief of Mission in Bern, Eva Weigold Schultz
Donation for the Foundation for Severely Disabled Persons Lucerne
Lucerne welcomed the highest U.S. representation in Switzerland for the Lucerne Summit this week. Chargé d'Affaires Eva Weigold Schultz was welcomed by host Susanna Auf der Maur-Quinn, US Desk Director and Partner of Kaufmann Rüedi Attorneys at Law, and over 25 CEOs and prominent guests from education and politics. The Lucerne Summit provides a discussion platform for American companies here in Switzerland, as well as Swiss companies with a presence in the US. Ms. Weigold Schultz emphasized the far-reaching importance of innovation and collaboration, especially in post-COVID times. She and her consular team in Bern approved over 12,000 National Interest Exceptions (NIEs) during the COVID pandemic to ensure the high standard and important exchange of education and business. In 2020 the Lucerne Summit welcomed US Ambassador Edward McMullen who spoke on important topics including Air 2030 and the Free Trade Agreement. The Lucerne Summit is sponsored by the Central Switzerland Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Lucerne Business and Kaufmann Rüedi Attorneys at Law.

World Constitution Day 2021

Scouting for All: Supporting scouts with disabilities and special needs

Lucerne Summit 2020

Rigi Historic Foundation

Lucerne Soccer Club Women 2020-2021

SVB race in Engelberg-Titlis

Santa Claus is coming to town…

Turner. The Sea and the Alps

International Bundesbrief Society

Beehouse Lieli

Alpine Farmers

Zytturm Clock Dial