Sofortkontakt zur Kanzlei

All articles by Luca Eigensatz

KMU Scheidung Vorsorgegelder

KMU Magazin No. 10, October 2021

Treatment of pension assets under divorce law

Divorce is not only a major life event, but can also lead to complex legal issues. For example, what happens to the assets saved during the marriage and what effect does the divorce have on retirement provisions? This article provides information on the possible consequences and stumbling blocks.

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krfacts Dunkelblau

krfacts November Edition 2021

Leave of absence in Labour Law

Changes in personnel occur in different ways, but are generally aimed at terminating the employment relationship. The release of the employee is particularly important in the case of termination of the contract by mutual agreement. In the case of dismissals, it is often the case that the employee does not wish to remain in the company.

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KMU-Magazin No. 07/08, July/August 2021

When continuing education costs should be subject to repayment

If employees are unable to apply the skills acquired through continuing education in their day-to-day work, there is a risk that they will quit. In this context, the question arises whether and, if so, which continuing education should be financed and in which cases a possible repayment obligation should be agreed.

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krfacts June Edition 2021

COVID-19 Legal Update: Short-time compensation, Working from Home, Hardship Assistance, Covid Certificates and more

Since September 27, 2020, the Covid-19 law has been in force. A referendum on this law will be held on June 13, 2021. The law provides the basis for the Federal Council to order the "Covid-19 measures" in the ordinances based on it. In this issue of krfacts, selected applicable federal regulations are highlighted. Status: June 10, 2021

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krfacts June Edition 2021

New obligations for companies to better protect people and the environment

The public initiative "For responsible companies - to protect people and the environment" (so-called corporate responsibility initiative) was rejected on November 29, 2020. Consequently, the indirect counter-proposal of the Federal Assembly will be implemented. In addition to the planned amendments to the Code of Obligations (CO), the preliminary draft of the associated Federal Council Ordinance is now available. Although the referendum period against the planned amendment and also the consultation period for the new Federal Council Ordinance are still running, it is useful to review the possible future obligations and the companies that will be affected perhaps as early as Q1 2022.

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krfacts April Edition 2021

New family law decisions of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court

In recent months, the Swiss Federal Supreme Court has issued several landmark rulings that will be of importance for family law matters in the future. We have summarized the most important points from these and also from earlier rulings for you in this issue of krfacts and illustrated them with an example.

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Vater Kind Vaterschaft Urlaub

KMU-Magazin Nr. 01/02, January/February 2021

The statutory paternity leave - Prerequisites and effects

Paternity leave helps fathers and their families, especially in the initial phase after child-birth. This article provides information on the eligibility requirements for paternity leave and its compensation, and sheds light on individual implications and problems under em-ployment and social security law.

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krfacts Grün

krfacts January Edition 2021

COVID-19 Update: Selected Federal Measures

The Covid-19 Act has been in force since September 27, 2020. It provides the basis for the Federal Council to order the "Covid-19 measures" in the ordinances based on it. In this issue of krfacts, selected federal regulations that are in force and have already been repealed are highlighted or mentioned as an update. Status: January 18, 2021.

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krfacts Grün

krfacts January Edition 2021

COVID-19 Update: Selected Federal Measures.

The Covid-19 Act has been in force since September 27, 2020. It provides the basis for the Federal Council to order the "Covid-19 measures" in the ordinances based on it. In this issue of krfacts, selected federal regulations that are in force and have already been repealed are highlighted or mentioned as an update. Status: January 04, 2021.

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krfacts January Edition 2021

Update: Important legal changes as of January 01 / July 01, 2021

Changes to various federal decrees have come or will come into force on 01 January / 01 July 2021. We have selected the most important changes and summarized them briefly for you.

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